U.S.: Banned arms evidence in Iraq

OOPS! So much for the whining of the anti-Bush crowd.

SWAMI SEZ: You watch. This won’t put a wet blanket on the anti-Bush folks. First it was the war and what a bloodbath it would be for all sides. It wasn’t. Then it was the lack of information regarding WMD and their whereabouts. Now former Ba’athists are coming out of the woodwork just like we were told they would. Next it will be the lack of administration in Iraq. Guess what’s going to happen there. . .

I would like for just one anti-Bush peacemonger to come forward and say at this stage exactly what they would like to see come out of Iraq and on what form of timetable. It’s easy to lob bombs and rail against the Administration, but when things go according to plan the peacemongers have to have something to say for themselves. Not that accountability means anything to Clinton supporters, but it’s worth a shot.

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