Eric Cantor for Vice President

I’ve been beating this drum for about three months now (though I am not the first to recommend this excellent idea), and it seems that others are picking up the battle standard.

Why Eric Cantor? Forget for a moment that he is a fundraising powerhouse. Forget also that he is from the Mother of Presidents and would be an excellent compliment to Senator McCain. Cantor is about as rock solid a conservative as one is going to find in Washington.

Cantor is young, he is articulate, he has most certainly been leading the charge on energy reform, and best of all Cantor is an excellent compliment to Barack Obama’s utter fantasy land when it comes to terrorism and Middle East policy.

McCain would do well to take on Eric Cantor as a running mate, without question. Every compliment is there, and it would definitively rile up the conservative base.

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