His Royal Highness

Delegate Mark Cole is facing the same challenger he faced in 2003, a retired Prince William detective by the name of Chuck Feldbush. Feldbush’s red signs, which blend nicely with the Russ Potts signs planted along Rt. 17 in Stafford, are sparse but noticable.

Most of the time, the FLS takes its jabs when it can. Though I don’t really approve (what does it add?), I’m somewhat pleased to see that sometimes, the FLS takes it’s pot shots on the basis of equal opportunity:

Like former President George H.W. Bush, he [Feldbush] often refers to himself in the first-person plural, as when he discusses campaign strategy.

‘We have multitudes of Republicans that we’ve talked to on the phone and in person that are tired of the way things are going now,’ he said. ‘We’re moderate, we’re appealing to both sides of the fence.’

Feldbush’s hopes for victory rest on the shoulders of moderate Republicans.

Although we have been known to lapse into first person plural when discussing our viewpoints, we find the aforementioned discourse to be quite humorous.

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