Kate Resigns

As any unit chairman will tell you, being chair is a gratifying yet thankless job. It doesn’t pay, it is time consuming, and when something goes wrong you get blamed.

To counter that, you get to help good Republicans get elected, you get to know your community even better than before, and to kick it all off you get to work for and with the best people in the world.

From Kate’s letter announcing her resignation:

When I became Party Chairman, Lucy, our youngest child, was nine months old. She is turning four on Thanksgiving Day! Our oldest, Henry, is nine. While I have truly loved the opportunity to serve as your chairman, my family has sacrificed mightily. It is time for me to spend more time at home with them.

That had to be tough.

Best wishes to Kate and her family. Regardless of what others may think of Kate’s tenure, it wasn’t through the best of times.

UPDATE: Some folks who don’t have much contact with RPV or State Central are making a lot of assumptions, but most just aren’t true. As with most things in life, those who are the most silent probably know the most.

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