QandO: The Patriotism Dodge

Jon Henke has everything I would want to say about Webb’s reading comprehension skills…

Meanwhile, Dick Wadhams is driving the point home in a press release sent out by RPV today:

I wanted to make sure you saw last night’s diatribe from the Webb campaign. You can’t fully appreciate it until you actually see it and read it.

It’s the latest in a clear pattern of thuggish behavior by Webb and his campaign:

–Following a televised debate during the Democratic primary where Harris Miller raised questions about Webb’s erratic shifts from Democrat to Republican to Democrat to Republican to Democrat, Webb shouted at Miller to “Shut your mouth!”

–A flier attacking Harris Miller that was produced by the Webb campaign and that Webb acknowledged he saw before it was distributed, depicted a man with a hook nose and money spilling from his pockets, a characterization described as “replete with anti-Semitic stereotypes.” To make matters worse, the Webb campaign acknowledged cynically distributing it in only a selected part of Virginia.

As the Senate began debate on the Flag Protection Amendment this past Monday, we publicly asked Webb if he supported the amendment. As has been the case on so many issues in this campaign where Webb has been silent or has vacillated, Webb had not declared a position on the amendment.

When it was reported yesterday morning that Webb opposed the amendment, we issued a press release pointing out he stood with those that supported him in the Democratic Primary, Senators John Kerry, Charles Schumer and Ted Kennedy, who also opposed the Flag Protection Amendment.

From that, Webb’s political consultant hysterically extrapolated it was an “attack on Webb’s patriotism.” Huh?

So now we know whenever we publicly ask Webb to take a position on an issue that is being debated and voted on in the U.S. Senate, we will be accused of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.”

Whenever we contrast Senator Allen’s clear positions on the many issues affecting Virginia and the United States versus those of Webb we can anticipate they will resort to breathlessly accusing us of “attacking Webb’s patriotism.”

So please make sure you read the Webb diatribe and our press releases in their entirety. It will tell you everything you need to know about what kind of candidate and campaign are opposing Senator George Allen.

Fair points to be raised.

I get the feeling that Webb’s staff is very trepidacious about being “swiftboated” (whatever that means). Certainly someone with Webb’s credentials should have very little to fear from that angle. This is probably one more instance of overzealousness on the part of “The Worst Campaign Ever.”™

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