Redesign Redux

Round fourteen… though I think I’ve finally found something that I can go with for a time.  The only catch are the blockquotes:

Not sure I like the way these are done… but I’ll get over it.

There are also some other items:

  1. For instance, how does a numbered list look?
  2. Worth it?
  3. Or should I change it?

Then there’s this list:

  • Bullet lists?
  • Maybe so, maybe not?
  • …but now I’m rambling a bit.

There’s nothing finer than going back and forth on a web template or design.  Different designs help the author (or blogger) get their points across in different ways.  For instance, if all you had were links of import, you’d want an entirely different design than this one.  Similarly, if you were an op-ed writer, then my previous design may have worked for a daily op-ed.

Nonetheless, I’ve tried to find a good balance and hope I’ve struck it here.

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