Web Users Judge Websites in a Blink

Everyone asks how they can drive users to a website. Any Web Developer will tell them good design is key. A good design will help show people that they are looking at a legit business. If the website is poor then they might look elsewhere. A good website should, in theory, draw in people’s attention. Even if it’s not exactly what the person is looking for, they might stick around just long enough to see what it is that you are selling or talking about. If they stick around then they are more likely to use your services in the future. So getting a good website design was always considered a good investment, because it was always considered as the key to a successful website, so it no surprise that many businesses will look to invest their money in web designing companies that can help them with things like web design or SEO (you can Click Here for more information on this), but that’s always been an assumption that a good web design will help.

Until now.

Researchers say that most users judge websites in one-twentieth of a second, and furthermore the first impression usually taints their time navigating the website – if they stick around at all. When people are navigating around the website, it needs to load quickly to keep them interested. Slow-loading websites can quickly lose people’s interest, so it’s important that your website is able to perform under pressure from multiple customers on the website at once. To see if your website is able to work quickly with increased website traffic, it might be worth visiting https://www.apicasystems.com/load-testing/. Hopefully, that will help more websites appeal to potential customers, no one wants to wait for a slow website. Additionally, people might also stick around on your website if they are interested in the website design and like the look of it. If the website looks bad, then they’ll move off it within five seconds. People judge a website very quickly, which is why it is so important that the first thing they see is something amazing. Otherwise, you might lose out on business. So if you’re wanting to make sure your website isn’t one that people close within seconds, make sure you do your research into web design trends, as well as web designers such as this Philadelphia web design agency that could improve the look and optimization of your site.

All the more reason for graphic designers to work hand in hand with solid web layout and design principles. Too often you find solid design but poor visuals, or great visuals and terrible design.

Hopefully this website makes the cut in both departments!

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