Hope for Virginia Democrats in ’05?

Only if Kilgore endorses the 17 incumbents

Virginia Democrats take note. Jim Bowden has accurately pegged the doomsday scenario that will ruin the GOP’s chances of taking back the Governor’s Mansion. How? Well, it’s not quite a perfect storm scenario, but it’s awful close:

Nothing is in the bag for the future. Democrats, take heart, you can win the gubernatorial election and seats in the General Assembly in 05. Please note, I didn’t say “Liberals” can win. Gov. Mark Warner ran as a conservative. Republicans will have a short civil war in ’05 and ’07 as we determine if our delegates and senators must live up to Virginia Republican Creed – lower taxes and limited government – or not. Attorney General Jerry Kilgore is endorsed by every Republican down to assistant precinct captain. Yet, how can he be the ‘take back the tax hike’ candidate if he mutually endorses the 17 House of Delegates’ incumbents who raised our taxes in a year we had a budget surplus. Furthermore, if Kilgore doesn’t run as a ‘take back the tax hike’ candidate, then why, oh why, vote Republican in 05?

There’s your trade. It’s Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania all over again. Bush endorsed the moderate and still failed to carry Pennsylvania. Not only that, but now Specter is a thorn in the side of the president on judicial nominees, etc.

Same in 2005 for Virginia Republicans. If we don’t run on the singular issue of ‘take back the tax hike’, then we’re sunk. How am I going to get people riled up if the choices in November are between Democrat and Democrat-Lite on the tax issue?

It’ll get interesting before it gets resolved, that’s for sure.

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