Monthly Archives: May 2008


National Review Online’s Jack Fowler endorsed conservative Bob Marshall over Jim Gilmore: What’s the support of National Review’s publisher worth? Yes, a club soda on an NR cruise. But whatever its worth, I hope it helps: I’m backing Bob Marshall, … Continue reading

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Young Hillary Clinton

See y’all at the Convention!

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Virginia Virtucon: Team Frederick Accuses Team Hager of Denying Convo Delegates Access to Materials?

So I read this, and decided to see whether or not it was true. Time to call Josh Noland (RPV Comm Dir) and figure out what’s what. Pick up the phone to do some sleuthing… I decided to live blog … Continue reading


UTB: An Open Memo to the Republican Party

Great post to consider heading into the Virginia Republican Convention this weekend: So, you really consider yourselves the heirs of Ronald Reagan ? Well, watch this speech from 1964, then come back and tell me how anything that has happened … Continue reading

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Fight Club in Union Square

For those who don’t live in New York, Union Square has historically been a giant meeting place for political protesters, social activists, and merchants of all sizes. In the days following September 11th, it was a meeting place for rescuers … Continue reading


Jonathan Martin's Blog: The Christian conservative debate-cum-smackdown I want to see

Me too.

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Virginia Virtucon: Warner for VP?

Connecticut Yankee Mark Warner says he’s being considered as Obama’s VP pick, which just sends the depth of his committment to Virginia to new levels of shallowness.

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Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama!

I kid you not. Click here before it goes away!

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Bearing Drift: Convention Coverage and Jeffersoniad Hospitality

Jim Hoeft over at Bearing Drift has all the details on the Jeffersoniad Blog Alliance hospitality suite at this weekend’s RPV State Convention.

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RWL: Gilmore Breaks Out the Tin Foil Hats!

D.J. McGuire describes what he calls (rightly) the “most creative conspiracy theory I’ve ever seen.“ Apparently, because Bob Marshall prefers nuclear power to fossil fuels, and because he his record against “sprawl” won him the endorsement of the Sierra Club … Continue reading