Is John Kerry a CINO?

Catholics In Name Only vs. Dignitatis Vitae Catholics

For those who keep their fingers on the pulse of the Catholic vote, this is a great perspective from the perspective of more orthodox Catholics concerning John Kerry’s lack of fidelity to Catholic teaching on abortion:

Is this Catholicism? Doesn’t sound like it, but these mixed messages are apparently common at Sen. Kerry’s home church, the very liberal Paulist Center in Boston. Jonathan Last of The Weekly Standard attended a Center service and observed a reciting of an edited version of the Nicene Creed, with the section on believing in only ‘one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,’ dropped out.

Once the theological ball is dropped, other balls — marriage, sanctity of life and so on — also hit the floor. The noise of all those balls dropping is mixed with the sound of most Catholics fleeing the Kerry campaign — and also backing Bush because of a common social vision. As Catholic scholar George Weigel writes, Catholics now teach that ‘the free and virtuous society is a complex set of interactions among a democratic political community, a free economy and a public moral culture. … The culture is the key to the entire edifice. A culture that teaches freedom-as-license is going to wreck democracy and the free economy, sooner or later.’

Excellent point, and why I continually emphasize that the Second Vatican Council has not been realized yet.

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