Iraqi cluster warheads?

Glenn Reynolds asks the questions of just how many smoking guns do we need?

United Nations weapons inspectors in Iraq have discovered a new variety of rocket apparently configured to spread bomblets filled with chemical or biological agents over large areas, United States officials say.

The reconfigured rocket warheads appear to be cobbled together from Iraq’s stockpiles of imported or home-built weapons, some of which Iraq has already used with both conventional and chemical warheads. Iraq insists it has destroyed all its old chemical warheads, a claim the inspectors have not verified.

US officials said that the discovery, buttressed by information contained in a 173-page report by the inspection team, detailing the history of Iraqi weapons programs and the United Nations’ attempts to enforce compliance with its disarmament resolutions over the last 12 years, showed that Iraq could not be trusted to co-operate with the inspectors.

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