They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our CHURCHES!

Mel Gibson, great conservative Catholic that he is, is building a massive 9,300 square foot complex outside of Malibu, California.

Among other things, Holy Family and other so-called traditionalist congregations conduct Sunday Mass in Latin.

Gibson has never minimized the importance of his religion, but of late it is even showing up in his work, the magazine noted.

Currently, Gibson is directing a film that depicts the last 12 hours in the life of Jesus Christ. The movie, “The Passion,” is in production in Rome, with the actors speaking only Latin and Aramaic.

Very cool. Of course, Gibson has been taking quite a bit of flak from comments that his father has made regarding the Second Vatican Council, the Holocaust, and the 9/11 attacks – comments that he has been quick to distance himself from. But if I ever had his kind of cash, doing something like this would be great! What better contribution to society than to promote the faith?

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