The comments update. . .

Well, Jason tried to get enetation to work on the ol’ site, but to no avail. So now I am playing with a little program called Blogcomments that should do the trick. We’ll see. . .

UPDATE: Here goes nothing!

UPDATE x2: Did you know that the Greek root for the word patience (hypomone) means suffering? Moral of the story: Never ask God for patience, because He will surely give it to you. . .

UPDATE x3: This comments ordeal is one way of teaching me patience.

UPDATE x4: BTW, we are bombing Iraq with B-1 bombers. That’s cool.

UPDATE (final): And here is what we are telling our troops in Iraq. Four options guys:

Vietnam veteran Gen Conway told them Saddam was facing four options.

The first three were that he could TURN over his weapons, GO into exile or be KILLED by his own people.

Spelling out the fourth, the General said bluntly: “If that doesn’t happen WE are going to kill him.”

As the General left to rejoin his own command the troops broke into cheers.

Black Watch Sergeant Barry Robertson said: “He was inspiring – he said all the things the boys wanted to hear.”


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