Links between al-Qaeda and Iraq?

Here’s another one that I am tired of hearing about. Peacemongers saying that there is no evidence that al-Qaeda and Iraq are in collusion, specifically citing that the Ba’athist Party is a socialist regime and Osama bin Laden is an Islamic extremist, with neither side agreeing with the other.

Except, of course, when it comes to the United States.

Here is an excellent article from the UK Observer that offers a background into Saddam support of terrorism:

The Iraqi connection: The Secrets of Saddam’s Terror Training Camp,3858,4296646,00.html

In the early period after the attacks, Western intelligence agencies said they knew of nothing to suggest an Iraqi connection. That position has now changed. A top US analyst – a serving intelligence official with no connection to the ‘hawks’ around Wolfowitz – told The Observer: ‘You should think of this thing as a spectrum: with zero Iraqi involvement at one end, and 100 per cent Iraqi direction and control at the other. The scenario we now find most plausible is somewhere in the middle range – significant Iraqi assistance and some involvement.’

The facts of the matter are as follows. (1) There is much that we do not know about the Iraq – al Qaeda connection because they consist of communications links that – if divulged – they disappear, (2) divulging such information would be detrimental to our efforts on the war on terrorism, (3) many of the provable links already exist as common knowledge. Ansar al-Islam is just one example of Iraqi collusion with terror organizations. Al-Qaeda isn’t the only terror organization that has benefited from Iraqi training facilities. Abu Nidal, and the Palestinian Liberation Front

Here’s a little bit of ammo for the next time a peacemonger decides to question going after Saddam based on a “dubious” al-Qaeda link:

Rice: Iraq trained al Qaeda in chemical weapons

Ansar Al-Islam: Iraq’s Al-Qaeda Connection

Al Qaeda’s Opening Shot in Iraq War

Report Cites Al Qaeda Deal For Iraqi Gas

Mohammed Atta met Saddam prior to September 11: US official

Iraq’s Support of Terror Organizations

CIA Director: Iraq Has Had Contacts with al-Qaeda, Tactical Cooperation Possible

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