Monthly Archives: November 2005

Peak oil vs. deep oil

Well, either we have reached or are reaching peak oil – a theory that says there is a very limited amount of oil in the world and when we reach a certain turning point where demand exceeds supply the world … Continue reading

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Dollar hits 18-month high against Euro

Blame Bush!

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Rand vs. Kant: Round 837,492

Kantians and “Objectivists” (Randians is a better term). The two hate eachother, and any talk about Aristotlean philosophy around one camp or the other inevitably draws attacks. If defending ol’ Aristotle, you must be a “randroid” or some other pejorative. … Continue reading

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We just got called by Governor Mark Warner

…or more accurately, a paid phone ad from His Excellency on behalf of his close buddy Creigh Deeds, who helped pass the law protecting Virginians from sexual predators. Paid for and authorized by a guy who is gonna lose. Moving … Continue reading

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Jay was right, but not for long!

Current aggregate polls are showing Kaine up by four. And even though the Roanoake poll is skewing the average, all of the polls are showing Kaine up by fractions within the margin or error. So kudos to Jay for accurately … Continue reading


Feds finally tackling illegal immigration

As this seems to be the topic of the week, I couldn’t help but be encouraged by this article in the Washington Times: A task force of party leaders and members active on immigration has met since the summer to … Continue reading

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Two Cents on Illegal Immigration

I’ve been reading with interest the conversation over at Bacon’s Rebellion regarding Jim’s post on illegal immigration. Agreed, most of the response thus far to Jim’s thoughtful invitation to debate and discussion has been both political and irrational. This having … Continue reading


The conservative case for Kilgore

State Senator Ken Cuccinelli makes the conservative case for Kilgore: There are conservative Republicans, Democrats and independents in Virginia. The conservative philosophy transcends party lines because it focuses on issues, not parties. Conservatives believe in the sanctity of human life, … Continue reading

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Help for innundated bloggers

Shipwrecked over at criesinthenight is talking about hanging up the gloves while his semseter picks up the pace. Gotta introduce him to two handy little items that will help every blogger keep pace: the Blogger Button on the Google Toolbar, … Continue reading

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OMT: Behind Colorado’s TABOR vote

I gotta admit, seeing TABOR get emasculated in Colorado hurt. But Norman over at One Man’s Trash has the scoop. Don’t feel so bad anymore, and it certainly kills the “ratchet effect” argument so frequently employed by TABOR’s opponents.

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