Monthly Archives: June 2006

Think the Virginia Democratic Primary is Bad?

Check out California. Now add this to Jim Riley’s addition that Allen has a 10-1 cash advantage over both his Democratic primary opponents, and Senator Allen isn’t so bad off. What’s more revealing here is that the Miller campaign seems … Continue reading


Police Protective Fund

I just received a phone call from an organization calling itself the Police Protective Fund. Odd, since the phone came up on the caller ID as a graphics firm. After interrogating the guy on the other line, I went and … Continue reading


OMT: More on the Pennsylvania Shakeup

Great post over at OMT: Messages matter. But as we have all seen since the Contract with America, even the most powerful message is useless unless those who preach it remain fully committed to it’s content…in both word and substance. … Continue reading


CNet: Newspapers woo bloggers with mixed results

Interesting article on how newspapers are struggling to come to terms with blogs, beginning with the great synthesizer of all truth, Coach Bobby Knight: Explosive college basketball coach Bobby Knight once summed up his views on journalists, and in doing … Continue reading


Republitarian’s Wife

When did I miss that Republitarian’s Wife had a blog?


Pope: Lay movements must accept authority

Too many efforts from the laity seem to want to wander off the reservation. Pope Benedict XVI warns lay movements not to separate their activity from the Church herself: The Pope’s cautionary message to the new lay movements came as … Continue reading