Go 250mi north of Kuwait to Baghdad, then make a hard left towards Damascus. . .

Syria seems to be an active supporter of Saddam Hussein. And with 250,000 guys parked next door and a fresh US 4th Infantry Division ready to go, I’m not so sure that this administration is going to need much prodding to liberate Syria either, now is it?

This is naturally all in jest and speculation. Syria is arguably the most tolerant of all the Middle Eastern regimes towards Christians, and Syria is much better armed and trained than the Iraqi military. Syrian Armed Forces still have SCUDs, chemical and biological weapons, Hezbollah soldiers, and some Lebanese and Palestinian civilians that wouldn’t mind joining the fray.

In short, it’s just sabrerattling from the Pentagon. But exactly what are we going to do about it in the long run? Nada. And the Syrians know it too.

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