So the warmongers won. Now what?
Wanna read a great piece of smug leftism? Martin Sieff, a news analyst for UPI, has this to say about the current status of law and order in Iraq:
President George W. Bush successfully sold his war on Iraq to the American people as a crusade to topple the frightful Baath dictatorship of President Saddam Hussein and bring the blessings of freedom and democracy to Iraq. But what if Iraqis use that genuine freedom to demand the immediate full-scale withdrawal of all U.S. military forces and political influence?
Or even assuming that a viable, U.S.-backed new government can be set up, how will it be able to maintain order and stability without cracking down harshly and making a mockery of the very freedoms it is supposed to embody?
That’s right. . . first Coalition forces get slammed for not upholding law and order, now it seems as if we will be criticized as “making a mockery of the very freedoms (we) are supposed to embody” if we do uphold law and order. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. Which leads me to wonder. . . if this is going to be the only defense the peacemongers have, then why consult or consider their opinions at all? What trash.