Passive Smoking Not So Bad After All. . .
Well well well. . . it turns out that second hand smoke isn’t as bad for you as previously thought. Not that this is a hurrah for the tobacco companies or anything, but just something against all of the government-sponsored truth police out there trying to convince the world of the dangers of smoking (based on half-truths, but no one is watching right?):
The report is significant because of its scale — studying 120,000 people in California from 1959 to 1998.
More than 35,000 of them were non-smokers living with a smoker.
Those exposed to “environmental smoke” did not suffer significantly higher rates of lung cancer or heart disease, it was claimed.
Researchers said passive smoking could not cause a 30 per cent increased risk of coronary heart disease — the figure generally accepted by experts.
They added: “It seems premature to conclude that environmental tobacco smoke causes death from coronary heart disease and lung cancer.”
The full report will be published in the British Medical Journal.