More on the Chichester-Rothfeld Race

Just when my faith in journalism was being restored, one article just blows it all away. While I was treated fair enough, the race was protrayed in a very poor light. Supporters of Mike Rothfeld were made to look either as bullied or pushed into position, while opposing GOP chairmen were allowed to snipe away at the evil conservatives trying to upset the balance of power.

“The tax issue is one thing that got me,” Kenney said. “[And] not showing up for the vote on parental consent when he knew it was a 7-7 split and it was important to show up. I want to see somebody out there who’s actually going to vote for my issues.”

The moderates aren’t letting the conservatives out-shout them.

Out-shout them? WHO’S SHOUTING?!?! *ahem* Not me. . . but you get the point. We’re just angry conservatives going after rational moderates. Ain’t it always the way. . .

Journalism like this I just don’t understand. Maybe we didn’t do a good job of explaining the reasons why we were so upset with Chichester, but it can be summed up in three issues:

(1) Abstaining on parental notificaiton for minors having an abortion

(2) Fighting against the car tax rollback

(3) Not fighting for pro-life and anti-tax issues

It’s that simple folks! Look for an opposing viewpoint to be forthcoming shortly. After coming from Mass today, this diatribe coming from the moderates really has me riled up. . .

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