You Know the End-o’-the-World is Coming When. . .

. . . when we start mixing cells together from male and female embryos! Absolutely disgusting.

Because it is easy to differentiate male and female cells under a microscope, the technique allows researchers to track the progress of the distribution of each kind of cell within a developing embryo. The resulting hybrid embryos are destroyed after six days, when they have grown into a microscopic mixed-sex ball of a few hundred cells.

Gleicher says he hopes the research will lead to treatments for congenital diseases, like sickle-cell anemia, before they can develop.

Using embryos in scientific studies is currently legal as long as the embryos were donated for research purposes.

Critics charge Gleicher and his team breached the boundaries of medical ethics because they manipulated and destroyed healthy embryos.

And thank God that someone is finally getting off of their humps and saying something about this! Exactly how far are we going to go? How much longer until we are all just seen as a clump of cells instead of human lives? *sigh*

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