Bumper Stickers and Driving Deaniacs

Its one of the common jokes on the road. Get cut off on I-95, and most of the time the person who did it had one of those Jesus Fish on their car. Well, at least here the joke gets turned back:

Frankly, this Dean driver was no worse than most. What I witnessed Thursday was just routine, run-of-the-mill rotten driving. The kind you see 50 times a day on the snarled roads of Hampton Roads. You can’t go a mile around here without encountering some chucklehead who refuses to use a turn signal. It’s as if they believe blinking lights bring bad luck.

The difference was that this flaky driver had posted his or her political beliefs on the rear of the car. That sticker was the first thing I saw after slamming on my brakes and breathing a Hail Mary.

Someone needs to remind the in-your-face crowd that once you decide to turn your ride into a roving billboard – whether it’s for a political candidate, to brag about your kid’s report card or to tell the world that your boss is a Jewish carpenter – the rest of us are watching you. Closely.

Hey, don’t blame me, you’re the one who slapped on that sticker.

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