HOORAY! The Fredercksburg City Council finally has drawn up what one might call a five-year plan:
In a work session last night on its capital improvements plan, the council agreed that the Dixon Street pool, Maury School renovation, downtown parking deck and Police Department relocation are at the top of its list.
All the council members also said they want to address the needs of the city school system in their capital plan, which goes through fiscal 2007.
Some highlights: Begin construction of parking deck and finalize plans for riverfront improvements in 2004, renovate Maury in 2005, decide on plans for a new or renovated high school in 2006 and expand the city’s trails through 2008.
The document outlining the plan, entitled The Future Is Now, is the vision document that “Gang of Five” agitators have been demanding from Mayor Beck for nearly three years.
All members of Council supported the decision with the notable exception of Rev. Turner.