"Abortion should be banned"


A bill that would ban abortion in the state will be introduced within the next two days.

The bill will be called the Woman’s Health and Life Protection Act. It will ban abortion, but won’t prosecute a doctor who performs one to save a woman’s life.

And the lawmaker who’s introducing the bill says he thinks now is the right time to try and over-turn Roe vs Wade.

Rep. Roger Hunt says, ‘Abortion should be banned.’

The liberals are right you know. Either you are pro-abortion and want to protect abortion rights to some degree, or you are pro-life and therefore every abortion is a murder that must be stopped.

How many politicians have the courage to stand up and say “I am 100% pro-life” anymore? And why aren’t we pro-lifers calling out every pro-abortion liberal as the extremists? Aren’t they the ones defending what should be indefensible; the decimation of an entire generation of children?

Abortion should be banned. It’s an offense against women, minorities, the poor and undereducated, and an offense before God Himself.

Kudos to South Dakota’s legislature. May the example be repeated far and wide until the culture of abortion and expendable life ends.

UPDATE: You know, I always wonder why after the March for Life, the press never reports on the number of protestors. Estimates gauged by the event organizers put the number at 100,000.

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