Charlottesville’s NBC 29 sheds a little light on how localities aren’t feeling the pinch of gasoline prices the same way you and I are:
Albemarle County Spokesperson Lee Catlin says, it’s paying $3.04 and Charlottesville City Spokesperson Ric Barrick says they are paying $3.33.
The reason is because they buy their fuel in bulk at a cheaper price.
“We’re fortunate that we’re able to store additional fuel needs, both regular fuel and diesel fuel,” said Barrick.
Albemarle County has budgeted for a fuel price of $3.34 in the coming year, but the city’s remains at $2.50.
The article is worth a quick glance. It gets me thinking though… why can’t consumers do likewise? Buy gasoline in say, $1,000 blocks for whatever the going rate is, and then pay it down over time? Or have it extended on credit? That way — whether the market goes up, or whether the market goes down — you’ve bought in for a price.
…and heck, if the price goes down, just pay when it’s less than the $3.30/gal you bought it for. When it goes north of that, use your credits. Why not?