Commonwealth Conservative: More on the 17th Senate district

It looks as if the speculation has begun in earnest.

I’ll tell you what I know from sources close to the ground…

Edd Houck has not been offered a spot in the Kaine administration, and there has been nothing to suggest it is even on the table.

All this having been said, I have spoken with both Jay Hughes and Chris Yakabouski, as well as a handful of other probable contenders. There has been zero movement from among the Democrats in Spotsylvania, and zero indication Houck would take the spot if offered. The 17th is a very Republican district, so it isn’t a stretch to say the next state senator will more than likely be a Republican if Houck moves out. Are the Dems willing to lose a seat? I doubt it.

Open seats are like fumbled footballs. A lot of folks from both sides of the team scramble for the ball. One problem here though: no fumble yet.

So until the hammer drops… be still, O blogosphere.

UPDATE: Wow. Not only Commonwealth Conservative, but Too Conservative, SST, and GOPHokie have all gotten into the game.

Heh! You guys know something I don’t?

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