Mark Stricherz discusses how the Democratic Party has lost touch with it’s base, and begins the process of analyzing how pro-life Democrats can take back their party:
Asked about how to change the Democratic Party back to its original connection with average Americans, Stricherz said that is was critical to democratize the internal process, but added that, “I just don’t see the constituency, the drive to bring that change… those with college degrees, who tend to be more secular are in control of the party, whereas more religious, working folks are kept out of the loop.”
“There have been some small victories from the pro-life people inside the Democratic Party, they are very small, but I encourage people to take up the fight… even if I am very skeptical about the results.”
Finally, he said that, despite current polls, Republican presidential candidate John McCain has a greater chance to win the election because “the Republican party has a more democratic process of candidate-selection, and therefore have chosen the strongest candidate; whereas the Democratic Party’s system promotes the desires of the political leadership and [they] have selected the weakest candidate.”
I empathize with this sentiment entirely. There’s just no room in the modern Democratic Party for pro-lifers, not because there aren’t pro-life Democrats out there, but because the leadership of the party has been hijacked by its most extreme elements.
What often gets lost is that within a “culture of life” there are certain fundamentals that a Catholic holds dear, the right to exist among them.