FLS: Raze Maury School, city planners are told

The calls for demolishing Maury School are picking up. With the price tag for repairing the interior and replacing the roof slated at $8 million, I can understand why this would be a recommendation.

I have an idea. Move City Hall to Maury.

The City of Fredericksburg is begging for offices. Some offices moved into Executive Plaza awhile back (the large, 1970’s era monstrosity downtown), and $8 million to refurbish a school is far less than the cost of a new building in a similar area. In addition, it would be plenty of room for city government for years to come, and the auditorium could be used for community events. Parts could be gifted to the Arts Center (or the “old” City Hall could be turned into a museum or kept as office space itself), and by planting our “foot-on-far” out towards Kenmore Avenue, it would definitely help the businesses on William and George Streets respectively.

Move City Hall to Maury! I think this would be a teriffic and judicious use of city resources, spur business along William Street, and most importantly keep Maury School.

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