Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

Chemical weapons found in Iraq, though most seem to be pre-1991.

So does this prove Saddam was hiding WMD? Probably not. Saddam’s Iraq was notorious for the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. The sheer impossibility of locating every buried artillery shell in Iraq must have been impossible for the Ba’athists to co-ordinate.

Furthermore, there is still much speculation about the dual-use equipment, stuff sent to Syria, the attempted chemical attack on Amman, etc.

We now know that Saddam wasn’t trying to skirt the United States inasmuch as he was trying to show the Iranians he was still strong and had the WMD to back it up (potential or actual).

All this having been said, I’m sure both sides will make arguments these findings are either earth-shattering or inconsequential. Regardless, it does point to one salient fact: Saddam did not live up to the 1991 cease-fire.

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