Idiocy Abounds (On Chickenhawks)

Once more into the breach with the chickenhawk argument


Once again anti-war liberals, and take notes: If we are concerned about a shortage of manual labor in America, does that mean one should quit their current line of employment and pick tomatoes? We need good roads, should one quit and join VDOT if you really believed that? Good schools, so go be a teacher? Streets free of crime, so go be a deputy?

If you do none of these things? Well… that’s clear evidence you’re not really in favor of agriculture, transportation, education, and law enforcement?

There are a variety of items society desires. But that doesn’t mean we all jump like lemmings to the calls of the left, nor do we sell-out for the verbal morass some anti-war pacifists short on sound logic use as argumentation.

…and this one is just so clear, it really has to make you wonder.

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