Looks like we have another letdown over at NLS with a potentially damaging news story. Allegedly, there is a video with George Allen introducing a Jim Webb staffer at an Allen event, and Allen was kind enough to greet him… with a few added words that at this point are either innocuous or incredibly coarse.
Without the video it’s hard to characterize Allen’s comments, so it’s hearsay (and given the serious nature of the charge, slanderous) until it can be proven.
Of course, I have a different bone to pick. NLS on brown people and George Allen:
Welcome an American citizen to America? Because he is brown? And what in the world does Mukakkah mean?
Beats me, but I hate the idea of calling someone brown. Unintentional to be sure, but allow me to pontificate for just a moment…
Liberals in particular have come to call everyone who is not white, but certainly isn’t black, a “brown person.” That includes Indians and Arabs, Native Americans, or any shade thereof that’s not a naturalized American and not of Oriental origin.
I hate the term “brown” people; I refuse to be categorized and stereotyped as such. Granted, I certainly don’t like the idea of any racial stereotyping at all, whether the gentleman in question was called Macaque, Macaca, or Mustafa (unless his name really is Mustafa of course), but the tendency of people to stereotype and group according to skin color repulses me.
May I interject a plea with my fellow Virginians to stop using the term “brown people” please?
Just a personal pet peeve, little else. Everyone back to refreshing NLS’ page on the Allen video!