OMT: The Ebb Tide

Norman over at One Man’s Trash posts his thoughts on the election of Shannon Valentine to House of Delegates, bringing the Democratic total in the House to 40 delegates:

While it’s true that the district has tended to favor Democrats on the statewide ballot, the result should be unsettling for the Virginia GOP.

While this is hardly the tectonic shift Waldo envisioned, it should still serve as a warning.

Indeed. Conservative Republicans – it seems – are much more content to see liberals with D’s, rather than see liberals with R’s next to their names.

However, what we still haven’t accomplished is identifying what that long pole of the big tent really is. Limited government? Pro-life society? Lower taxes? Efficient government?

Until we answer the real questions as to what the GOP is all about, the Dems are going to continue to chip away. There isn’t anyone to blame, we just need to find the answer to the question, and quickly.

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