Why is it that most Democrats assume Southerners to be racist?
McQ over at QandO explains:
And this is supposed to appeal to southern voters in what way, Mr. Biden? As usual, Democrats – or at least this one – haven’t a clue about how to appeal to southern voters, and, if I were a southern Democrat I’d be highly offended that this moron thinks appealing to the fact that his state and southern states were ‘slave states’ over 100 years ago has any bearing whatsoever on the southern vote today (or his ability to capture it).
But it’s not just Biden. Howard Dean does it. Webb caters to it.
Has someone in the Democratic Party made a calculated decision to drive the wedge issue of race home?
For one, I’m offended. But in a day and age where offense is so easily taken and manufactured by so many, that probably doesn’t mean much anymore.