After bringing David from the brink and holding a terrific kickoff meeting last night in Fredericksburg, the RLC-VA is up and running again. What is the RLCVA? Simply stated:

Our goals are to elect pro-liberty candidates to office, and to educate and
inform Virginians about limited government and personal responsibility.

Fellow RLC-VA members such as Jon Henke of QandO, Rick Sincere, and Republitarian himself (who after a brief theological discussion to kick things off has judged me thusly) put forward what I beleive is a great strategy for short-term growth from an excellent core group.

For those of us unfamiliar with the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC), it is the brainchild of Texas Representative Ron Paul. The Virginia chapter is about two years old, and eagerly looking for like-minded volunteers.

Look for an RLCVA convention in Charlottesville sometime this May.

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