RWL: Spend-and-Spend Republicans?

D.J. McGuire takes umbrage that defending Gilmore’s conservative credentials consists of defending Gilmore’s massive spending increases and bureaucratic centralization in Richmond introduced during his stay in the Governor’s Mansion.

Between this, Gilmore’s screed against the pro-life “Catholic position” on abortion to the conservative National Review, and Gilmore’s characterization of our soldiers in Iraq as “occupiers” in a June 18th Washington Post op-ed echoing’s call for a timetable of retreat in Iraq (during the surge I might add — read this) — and it’s no small wonder why Republicans would rather have a strong conservative contrast rather than Gilmore’s lip-service conservativism, where Mark Warner actually gets to the right of Gilmore on Iraq and fiscal spending.

If there’s any time for a tax revolt, if there’s any time for social conservatives to prove their issues are important, now is the time. Marshall is the candidate.

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