The Jaded JD: Notes on the Virginia Blogosphere

Jaded JD has come out of hibernation again, this time to chastise the Virginia Blogosphere with rods and remind us of what
decorous conversation should be:

Be nicer to each other. Ostracize those who are not nice. There are modern rules of etiquette, and those bores who decline to observe them should be sent to the little children’s table and not be fed with the adults. Indulge freely in those harboring opinions that diverge from your own, but be ruthless in excluding those who are rude. Messrs. Dotson, Leahy, Vehrs, and Kenney the Elder all held varying opinions to each other, and are certainly quite at odds with my ideology, but we’ve all had our disagreements respectfully. Conversely, whether another blogger agrees or disagrees with you, if the other blogger does it nastily, he should be excoriated for his rudeness, regardless of ideology. We are, or all of us ought to be, gentle people. We are, after all, Virginians–though some not so long steeped in it as others.

And that was just point #3! Go read it all.

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