Top Referrers

I know there’s been a lot of nitpicking as to which blogs are good, which ones are mediocre, which ones are bad, etc.

Sometimes the tale of the tape is the strength of the referral, i.e. when someone posts something on their site, how many people go click on it.

The top 25 referral rankings for the month of February to

2. Google
3. (local paper)
4. Js Notes (and it’s not a small number, either)
5. Commonwealth Conservative
6. One Man’s Trash
7. Not Larry Sabato
8. Sic Semper Tyrannis
9. SWVA Law
10. Bacon’s Rebellion
11. Too Conservative
12. SkepticalObservor
13. Virginia Centrist
14. Save the GOP
15. Elephant Ears
16. China-e-Lobby
17. NOVA Democrat
18. Waldo Jaquith
19. Commonwealth Watch
20. Pharrout
21. VA Pundette
22. Red Stater
23. From On High
24. Brian Patton
25. New Dominion

Naturally, some of the Democratic or left-leaning blogs aren’t going to have as much traffic here, so the fact that sites such as Waldo Jaquith, NOVA Democrat, Virginia Centrist, and Brian Patton even show up is a good sign of the strength of their readership.

Likewise, some sites advertising has having strong readership simply didn’t refer here as often (Too Conservative for instance ranks closely to archnemisis James Young’s Skeptical Observor).

Interesting things to see are that the websites you would expect to remain high on the list are certainly there, such as Commonwealth Conservative, OMT, and NLS.

Some surprises too, but keep in mind that referral rates are a rather shallow judge — though in the past getting Farked or Instalanched was a distant possibility.

Just thought it would be interesting as we’re all comparing who has the biggest and baddest blog (a debate from which I will happily refrain from).

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