The question is whether the emperor is justified in what he said. His main thrust was at least partly justified. There is a real problem about the teaching of the Koran on violence against the infidel. That existed in the 14th century, and was demonstrated on 9/11, 2001. There is every reason to discuss it. I am more afraid of silence than offence.
The Pope’s actual quotation is not just a medieval point of view. It is a common modern view; even if it seldom reaches print; it can certainly be found on the internet. “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and then you shall find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”
Is it true that the Koran contains such a command, and has it influenced modern terrorists? The answers, unfortunately, are “yes” and “yes”.
The so-called Sword Verse from Chapter 9 must have been in the emperor’s mind: “So when the sacred months have passed away, Then slay the idolaters wherever you find them.”
“And take them captive and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in every ambush.”
There is the additional problem of “development of doctrine” within Islam, and whether it exists. The Koran is meant to be read with the last sayings of Mohammed holding more precedence over the first teachings, so the suras that preach violence are those that hold pre-eminence.
Can there be a development of doctrine within Islam? Christian theologians hold out some hope, but most do not see this as permissible — or in some cases amongst the more extreme Muslim sects even desireable. Still, let us not forget there are those in the Muslim world who do believe the Five Pillars of Islam do preach mercy, almsgiving, and so forth.
No where in the Five Pillars is a call for violence. Perhaps there lies hope, but first and foremost it remains to Islamic scholars to recapture the spirit of the Islamic philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Whether Christian calls to emphasize reason are helpful or harmful is up for debate, but regardless as to whether or not the reflections of Pope Benedict XVI are welcomed, Islamic scholarship must understand that non-believers are indeed watching with a fearful mix of trepidation and hope.