Virginia Virtucon: On Catholic University

Jim Riley cites “one reason why I don’t give to my law school alma mater,” and ironically it’s the same reason I don’t give to my undergraduate alma mater…

Catholic University has the potential to be such a great center of Catholic scholarship, yet for reasons such as this we keep tossing it away (not to mention the outrageous cost of education there).

There are glimmers of hope, notably in the School of Philosophy. It always hurt to hear “Why don’t you go to a real Catholic school!” when you told others (Notre Dame, Franciscan Univeristy, even Georgetown students) knowing you were supposed to be going to the premiere Catholic school in the nation.

Could you imagine what CUA would be if Tom Monahgan put his money into Brookland rather than towards Ave Maria? If Fr. Richard John Neuhaus put his energies into the academic reputation of the school? One can only dream…

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