Stressed Israeli soldiers to be treated with cannabis

“Dude, where’s my Uzi?”

I know the job has to be tough in Israel, but come on guys. . . do we really need to be stoking troops? Is there really a need for marijuana for IDF soldiers?

Israel says yes. Go figure.

The mental health department of the Medical Corps is set to to begin tests in the next few days on volunteers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after reserve duty, the paper said.

A scientist who will help conduct the experiment heads a research team, which discovered that cannabis helped mice that had suffered physical stress and even reduced the risk of stroke.

Interesting. There seems to be a flurry of new information coming out that THC does indeed reduce the chances of stroke in some patients, as well as being a safe alternative to Ritalin and other medications for ADHD children. More studies will have to be shown, but this is promising.

Regarding medical uses for cannabis, I was also surprised to learn that there are more ways to harness the potential benefits of hemp than traditional smoking. There are also rosins and concentrates, like those on, and even oils for those who don’t like the idea of vaping the product instead. One of my friends was telling me just the other day that Rick Simpson Oil – a cannabis oil product – is being used by some people as an alternative treatment for arthritis, depression, and even cancer. Take a look at this useful guide to find out more about Rick Simpson Oil:

Unfortunately, we know that the stoners will take advantage of any situation like this. I imagine we’ll see all sorts of ADHD and at-rist stroke patients in the 18-30 range. Sad, but hopefully science will carry the day.

Now before this gets too bad, I am *not* a legalization proponent, but for the purposes of science this is still relevant and pretty darned cool. I know a lot of people are passionate about legalizing cannabis in michigan, and I respect their views entirely. Concerning ADHD kids, THC is a natural alternative with milder side effects than Ritalin, which is a methamphetamine that may cause long term damage. There’s a chance that there is a medical use for THC (or at the very least, synthetic THC that has none of the more popular side effects). You might also find that concentrated THC, similar to budder, may provide medical use. But the jury is out, so long as the fringe doesn’t muck up the debate.

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