Weapons For Cash Program Not Disarming Radicals in Iraq

FARK Headline: Weapons buybacks in Baghdad are like ones in D.C. You sell useless weapons to suckers, and they give you cash to buy more guns.

What else needs to be said?

Furthermore, sources close to the militia in Sadr City said some of the gunmen were handing over weapons that are not properly functioning or were considered surplus. In some cases they threw in one or two pieces in pristine condition to make the process look genuine.

Cash could be used to buy new weapons, the sources said on condition of anonymity.

Way to resupply the bad guys! You’d think that folks back home would take the hint and not repeat the folly.

All of this is in backdrop to similar efforts within the United States and Brazil. Interesting indeed that people simply seem to be using the money to buy better firearms, although I would love to see a study to that effect before convincing myself of a fairly obvious causal relationship.

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