Zogby: Bush 48, Kerry 44, Nader 1.1, Badnarik .7

Bush by 4 in Post-Debate Bounce

This is significant for two reasons. First, it is the first time in my mind that Bush has taken a significant lead in a Zogby poll (and for those of you who know me, I am a big fan). Secondly, this is the first time I have seen a poll from any pollster that has included Libertarian Candidate Michael Badnarik among Nader and Green Party nominee David Cobb, who garnered a measly .1 of the poll.

Still, numbers don’t lie:

Pollster John Zogby: “While Bush– now at 48%– had another good night continuing his upward trend, Kerry appears stuck at 44%. The good news for the President is that he has improved his performance among the small group of undecideds. Nearly a quarter now say that he deserves to be re-elected—up from 18% in our last poll.”

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