Pimpin’ the Pulpit

“Every four years, the pulpit gets pimped.”

I’m not so sure how often the pulpit gets pimped, as much as it might be prostituted:

However misappropriated the word “pimped” is, in the case of both modern and latter-day vernacular, the word is entirely appropriate for the cause of the pulpit.

When a presidential election year rolls around, groups that may or may not have been important during those last three years, suddenly become the object of the vultures’ affection. This year, the head vulture is John Kerry.

Like clockwork, the political vultures, local ones included, come out dressed in navy blue suits, with carefully chosen power ties (pearls for the ladies), playing religious games for the sake of earning more votes.

The “black church” specifically, has become a ho. It’s abused, mis-treated, used, and then tossed to the side until the next election.

Good article, and not one that leaves President Bush unscathed. However, it is very critical of the Democratic abuse of the pulpit and black churches for political gain, and Senator Kerry in particular for returning to black churches when today’s polls show a 15% drop in African-American support for the Democratic nominee since the 2000 election.

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