Democrats Still Reeling from Tuesday GOP Victory

No real leader, no tangible ideology

It seems as if the Democratic leadership is in a tailspin, with the worrying proposition that the Democratic Party might regulate itself into a perpetual minority party status:

Democrats also have no strong leader to pull the party out of the wilderness.

With the defeat of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the party’s top two congressional leaders are Pelosi, a San Francisco-area liberal, and Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, now the No. 2 leader, known mostly as a low-key insider.

For 2008, the presumptive leading presidential candidates are New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Northeastern centrist and one of the most polarizing figures in American politics, and North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, a trial lawyer and failed vice presidential candidate with little public service besides six years in Congress.

Democrats have a bad case of the blues after seeing so much red.

Much tension between the radical liberal wing of the party, and the moderate-liberal Clinton wing. It will be interesting to see which wing sets the new tone, but it seems that at the moment, the 60s radicals are in no mood to surrender the fight within their own party.

Could get interesting. Stay tuned!

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