Fallujah Taken

“(O)ccupied but not subdued.”

The Iraqi government is proclaiming victory over the insurgents in Fallujah, with the American military saying that it will take several more days to mop up the remaining pockets of resistance:

U.S. military officials said Saturday that American troops had now ‘occupied’ the entire city of Fallujah and there were no more major concentrations of insurgents still fighting after nearly a week of intense urban combat.

What’s most notable about the operation are the efforts of the insurgency to create chaos throughout Iraq – and how it failed miserably. No doubt the anti-war press et al. will paint this in a certain light, but the efforts of both the Marines and most notably the Iraqi security forces should be highlighted.

There was no uprising of insurgents creating chaos by sacking Fallujah. It speaks volumes to the effectiveness of the insurgency and the Iraqi nationals.

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