Ted Kennedy and Waterboards

from the “Thou Shalt Not Throw Stones at Glass Houses” Department

For as much as I respect Jack Kennedy, I can’t stand Ted Kennedy. So when someone takes a cheap shot at good ol’ Ted, I’m more than happy to spread the cheer. . .

Ted Kennedy’s deep thoughts on simulated drowning- too bad Mary Jo Kopechne wasn’t a suspected terrorist. With Teddy K’s vice-like grip on morality, she would be enjoying her 64th year of life on this planet today. Of course, maybe he is learning- this is ‘drowning someone to a point,’ a sense of finesse that previously eluded Teddy Chappaquiddick.

There’s even a little picture of what a Kennedy waterboarding device might look like (as it is being pulled from the Chappaquiddick).

Ah me. I will say this though: Gonzales is not playing this well at all. Instead of allowing this to become a discussion on the distinction between justice and law (and that distinction exists believe me), this should be a discussion as to how we desire to prosecute the war on terror from the standpoint of our judicial system.

Objective analysis of what constitutes torture under law shouldn’t be confused with a desire to be just. Certainly the two should coincide, but if Gonzales had entered caveats about what he personally felt about torture, would the Dems have heaped upon him for not exercising the “judical temperment” Howard Dean demanded at the very beginning of the Gonzales debate?

Dress rehearsal for the next Supreme Court nominee. Watch.

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