Instapundit on the Iraqi Survey Group and WMDs

Some great words from Glenn Reynolds regarding the findings of the ISG:

But I think that the whole “the war was all about weapons of mass destruction” meme is a bit dishonest. First, it’s worth remembering (here’s a list of resolutions on Iraq) that the burden was on Saddam to prove that he didn’t have the weapons, and nobody thought he’d done that. Second, and more important from my standpoint, was that the war was about remaking the Middle East, helping to establish a democracy in a vital spot, neutralizing a longtime, and still-dangerous foe with ties to terrorists, and putting the U.S. in a position to threaten Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, not simply about getting rid of WMD stockpiles. (This was no secret. Even John Kerry said that he would have gone to war even knowing that there were no WMD stockpiles.)

Good points all. The updates are even more damning in their criticism of the anti-war left, to the point of going after the “rush to war” as being too slow by allowing Saddam and the Ba’athists time to prepare the insurgency as we deliberated in the United Nations.

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