Invitation to crash GOP primary set editorial ‘low’

More fallout from the 28th District GOP primary. This time, Ralph Lawton who chairs the Spotsy GOP give his thoughts on the Free Lance-Star’s editorial encouraging all to vote in the Republican primary:

The writer of the editorial joined state Sen. John Chichester, R-Stafford, in inviting voters of all political parties to pile on in the Republican primary, knowing full well that is nothing more than cheating. What a terrible example for our youth to see–blatant dishonesty promoted in the editorial pages. Is your proposal legal? Yes. Is it morally right? No!

The Republicans should decide which Republican to nominate, and the Democrats should decide whom their nominee should be. All Americans with a sense of fair play and decency should be offended by the editorial’s words.

Ralph is of course right. Republicans should decide their own nominee, and Democrats should do the same. Would it have held any effect on the 28th District race? Who knows? But the point is made all the same.

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