Hussein Is Probably Alive in Iraq, U.S. Experts Say

U.S. intelligence officals now seem to be leaning towards the possibility that Saddam Hussein is still alive and hiding in Iraq:

The officials said the recently obtained intelligence had re-intensified the search for Mr. Hussein along with his sons, Uday and Qusay. The search is being led by Task Force 20, a secret military organization that includes members of the Army’s highly specialized Delta Force and of the Navy’s elite counterterrorism squads, with support from the Central Intelligence Agency.

If this is true, then this might be better than if we had killed him in the March 20th or April 07th attacks. A public apprehension of the Ace of Spades would be a PR coup, and the capture of the most volatile WMD in Iraq and a forthcoming public trial in an Iraqi court would be outstanding.

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