Gearing Up For Battle at the RNC (with Ed Gillepsie!)

That’s right. Now that Ed Gillepsie has been elected as RNC Chairman, we can expect lots more good stuff out of the national committee. Like this:

The 41-year-old Gillespie — a media maestro and Republican strategist skilled in the art of political counterpunching and message-crafting — was elected to the RNC top spot last week. In a recent interview, he says the 2004 election is going to be the political equivalent of the shootout at the OK Corral, and he’s gearing up for battle.

For example: What does he think about the Democratic assault on Mr. Bush’s handling of postwar Iraq?

Anyone else would dodge that question, fearing that it would sound like the party’s point man was impugning the patriotism of Mr. Bush’s enemies and potential opponents in the election. But not Mr. Gillespie:

“I would not go so far as to say they are wishing for defeat, but I think they are taking some satisfaction in the misfortunes of others,” he says.

By “others,” he is referring to “progress in Iraq,” a term general enough to encompass U.S. troops stationed there, the Iraqi people and the life-and-death situations these groups find themselves in.

Translation: Mr. Bush’s Democratic critics are delighted when it may appear that chaos is overrunning postwar Iraq and that Ba’athist guerrillas are running rampant.

“You know ‘fear and loathing’ was once a catchy title for a book,” Mr. Gillespie says, “but it’s a lousy way to play politics.”

GO GIT ‘EM, ED!!! Folks at RPV and in our local committees should sit up and take notice. A chairman that doesn’t take on the bad guys head on doesn’t inspire the troops.

It’s gonna be a great 15 months, Mr. Chairman! Looking forward to it greatly!

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